Best Friends for LIFE

From the time we are little we all desire to have real, true friends. The kind of friend that you can laugh with, cry with, get in trouble with, get mad at and still remain friends.   It took me until I was well into my adult life before I finally developed that type of a relationship.  We all have associates, people we work with or socialize with, but when it really comes down to it we only have a few friends.  My two best girlfriends and I have been through a lot over the past decade.  We were once inseparable and referred to ourselves as the “3 Musketeers”, and then life happened.  I relocated and I never would have guessed that distance would play apart in testing our relationship.  We slowly grew apart due to some different viewpoints on things and for a period of time we even lost contact.  I am ashamed to say that I allowed my own personal problems to cause me to pull away from the only people other than my husband that had been there for me no matter what.  Life is short and when we take those that are truly important for granted we miss out.  I missed the opportunity to be there for my girls when they needed me the most and I missed out on some really special moments.

Real friendships are not something that can be manufactured or forced, they develop over time. The connection you have with someone based on your shared interest or values is only the foundation of a friendship.  When you have a true friend you can share your true feelings about anything and not be fearful of what they will think of you.   A true friend will always want the best for you and will encourage you to be the best you can possibly be.  A true friend will feel your pain when you are going through and will do their best to comfort you.  Friendships are built when you share who you truly are with another person and allow them to see your weakness and all your flaws and they can still accept and love you.  Friends are there for you to cry on their shoulders and they know they can call you in the middle of the night when they need to talk.  Friendships develop over time eating pizza and talking about your dreams and fears. True friendships can withstand the test of time, fallouts, fights, men, or anything else that it thrown at it.  Real friends love unconditionally and are able to forgive each other.

I have been blessed to have two of the most amazing woman in my life who I can truly call my friends.  We all have grown a bit older and wiser and the things we let cut in on our friendship are becoming a distant memory.  If you have a true friend in your life, don’t allow life or anything to cut in on that relationship.  Our lives may have gone on but it is nice to know that we can pick up where we left off and continue to grow closer. My girls are the closest thing I have to sisters and for that I am grateful.  It is truly satisfying to have someone in your life that has seen you at your worst and know that they will be there until the end. I look forward to the day that we are sitting on a beach somewhere when we are much older in rocking chairs reminiscing about the good old days.
